
Recompiled Debian Packages for Raspbian Cross Compilation

Draft: How the packages got recompiled:

Raspbian Stretch

  1. Install amd64 container with foreign architecture armhf enabled (amd64: Debian stretch, armhf: Raspbian stretch)
  2. Pretent to be Raspbian (/etc/os-release, /etc/lsb-release).
  3. Recompile cross-toolchain-base for arm6hf:
    • Eventually remove cross and armhf related packages.
    • apt-get source cross-toolchain-base
    • cd cross-toolchain-base-18
    • sudo apt-get build-dep cross-toolchain-base
    • debuild –set-envvar=CROSS_ARCHS=armhf -us -uc
  4. Install debs from previous step.
  5. Recompile gcc-6-cross for arm6hf:
    • apt-get source gcc-6-cross
    • cd gcc-6-cross-24
    • sudo apt-get build-dep gcc-6-cross (make sure that debs from previous step are not overwritten)
    • debuild –set-envvar=CROSS_ARCHS=armhf -us -uc
  6. Recompile gcc-6 (source from Debian stretch) on Raspberry Pi to get rid of +rpi1 version mismatch.
  7. Install all recompiled packages in a cross container.

Raspbian Buster

  1. Upgrade the edi-raspbian setup to buster, within the role “repositories” disable the cross compiler repository and raspbian_buster.list and within “development_tools” deactivate the installation of armhf packages and cross compilers (set gcc_bootstrap_environment to True). Important: The setup will pretend to be a Raspbian (see /usr/lib/os-release). The command “lsb_release -is” should show the result “Raspbian”. The debian/rules2 file of gcc-8 will set the CPU options accordingly!
  2. Execute the command “sudo edi -v lxc configure raspbian-buster-cross buster-cross.yml”.
  3. Make sure that no deb and deb-src entries in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ point to Raspbian.
  4. Recompile cross-toolchain-base for arm6hf within its own subdirectory:
    • Make sure that there are no cross compiler packages nor armhf packages installed.
    • apt-get source cross-toolchain-base
    • cd cross-toolchain-base-33
    • sudo apt-get build-dep cross-toolchain-base
    • debuild –set-envvar=CROSS_ARCHS=armhf -us -uc
  5. Install debs from previous step and also collect *armhf.deb from the cross-toolchain-base-XX sub folder.
    • sudo dpkg -i ../*.deb
  6. Recompile gcc-8-cross for arm6hf:
    • apt-get source gcc-8-cross
    • cd gcc-8-cross-26
    • sudo apt-get build-dep gcc-8-cross (make sure that debs from previous step are not overwritten)
    • debuild –set-envvar=CROSS_ARCHS=armhf -us -uc
  7. Recompile gcc-8 (source from Debian stretch) on Raspberry Pi to get rid of +rpi1 version mismatch. Including testing this takes about seven days.
    • wget -qO - https://ftp-master.debian.org/keys/archive-key-9.asc sudo apt-key add -
    • add buster_src.list from Debian.
    • apt-get source gcc-8
    • cd gcc-8-8.3.0
    • sudo apt-get build-dep gcc-8
    • sudo apt-get install devscripts build-essential lintian
    • DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=’parallel=1’ debuild -us -uc
    • Fetch the rebuilt libraries plus gcc-8-base_*_armhf.deb.
  8. Upload all recompiled debs to get-edi/raspbian-cross-compiler. Also download a linux-libc-dev*.deb amd64 and armhf (from Debian, contains just headers) and add it to get-edi/raspbian-cross-compiler.
  9. Uncomment the tasks that yet got excluded in step 1 (set gcc_bootstrap_environment to False).
  10. Use edi-raspbian according to step 2 to generate a cross compilation container.
  11. Test the cross compilation container according to https://www.get-edi.io/Cross-Compiling-for-Raspbian/ and run the resulting binaries on a Pi 1.